
what is the one book that influenced you and how?

 A flable about fulfilling your dreams and reaching your destiny

-BY Robin Sharma

I wounld like to share about a book which influenced me alot in the form of this blog. In this book The monk who sold his ferrari by Robin Sharma shows a path to reach our destiny and how to fulfill one's dream. The main character of this story is Julian Mantle, an enormously successful lawyer. His outrageous courtroom theatrics regularly made the front pages of the newspaper. He suffered a severe heart attack in the court, and his life changed after that. He quit his job, sold all his belongings, and fly to India in search of Nirvana or the true meaning of this life.

It’s a story about the transformation of 53-year-old Julian into a man who looks like 30 without any wrinkles on his face. 

There are  7 life changing lessons from The monk who sold his ferrari:

1.Cultivate your mind-
The quality of our life was determined by our thoughts the secret of happiness is very simple we just have to find what you love to do .Once you do this,abundance flows into your life and all desires are fulfiled easily. 

Understanding your mind is the one thing in the world you have total control over is the first step towards finding inner peace.

2.Pratice daily acts of kindness-
By Elevating The Lives Of Others, Your Life Reaches Its Highest Dimensions
The most noble thing you can do is to give to others. Start focusing on your higher purpose.

3.Never sacrifice happiness for achievement-
Live In The Now With Your Children's Childhood. We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a
prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.

4.Respect Your Time-

Our most precious resource is our time. We must be selective with the people and things we devote our time to. Although we all have 24 hours in a day, those who are intentional with their time succeed in life.
Robin Sharma teaches us to think carefully before saying “yes” to things. Meditating on your mortality is another excellent exercise to determine if you are wasting time. Ask yourself, what kind of life will I look back on if I die today?
 Learn to say no when you can. Make every day count and perform each task with intentionality.

5.Build Self-Discipline

Discipline is a collection of many small daily habits that shape us. The more consistent we are with each habit, the easier it gets in the long run.
To implement a perfect life cycle regarding food and physical activities like yoga and workouts and to maintain balance.

To help us build self-discipline, Robin Sharma tells us to repeat the following mantra 30 times. “I am more than I appear to be, all the world’s strength and power rests inside me.”

Our goals cannot be achieved without self-discipline. We must keep overcoming daily challenges to strengthen our discipline.

6.Follow Your Purpose

Everybody on earth has a purpose. And pursuing your unique purpose is the key to living a fulfilling life. Robin Sharma tells us our purpose should somehow be rooted in serving others, and it must also be something we are passionate about.

He tells us that we must set actionable goals to find our purpose. Goals that define who we want to be. Each goal must be pursued for at least 21 days and have a deadline.

Setting actionable life goals with measurable deadlines allows us to find our purpose.

7.Practice Kaizen

Kaizen is the Japanese word for continuous improvement. It involves constantly trying to live in accordance with your highest self. Robin Sharma tells us we can do this by confronting our fears and insecurities.

For example, if you are afraid of public speaking, the only way to improve is to attend events where you can practice public speaking. Robin Sharma teaches us life is an endless charge toward self-mastery.

You don’t attract what you want; you attract who you are. Learn to embrace uncertainty.

In the end julian understand he didn't need his Ferrari, He needed wisdom. So after he collapsed from all the stress with a heart attack, he sold everything and ventured into the Himalayan mountains. There, he found the Sages of Sivana, which taught him seven virtues, making him promise he'd pass on their teachings.
"Everything was created twice,first in mind then in reality"

This is my blog about my favourite book and which inspired me alot hope the readers like this blog too.

G Venkata Siri
3rd CSIT

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