
What is the one book that influenced you and how ?


Author :
                  Vamshi Krihna  who started writing stories from 2015 and he do write - code or stories. He write honest and relatable fiction based on women's emotions. Before his latest launch Iktaara,Naari, he authored a national bestseller 'Draupadi - India's First Daughter', which also inspires the young minds to know ones feelings. Vamshi krishna is best in giving the break feelings of women with deep thought which makes us focuss on reality.
About Naari :
The women embarked on a journey that demanded her to be strong and bold. She had no more direction than a voice call out from her soul to lead her upwards and on. All stories are most interesting and  They are the Free-falling of water just can't stop reading until end out of curiosity.

What Naari is...?

                    Naari consists of all independent womens who wants to be celebrate  womanhood. It revolves around women we see in our daily lives, in our homes, schools, colleges, offices, metros, cities, buses, etc. 
And the names of the charcters are pretty close to reality. Insecurities faced by a women and being and doing as femine may consists lots of fears and responsibilities and what not those all were cleanly expressed through the 12 stories we will fall for Vridhi, Anjali, Pink, Akshara, Ananya, Aradhya, Areethi, Sanjana, Swecha, Meera, Devika, Mithila 12 different women pursing there dreams and needs. All tweleve stories based on various genres and talk about getting over there insecurities.And the real incidents happend in life  is all about  Naari....

Naari eBook : Krishna, Vamshi: Amazon.in: Kindle Store    
The deep inside we found the power of womenhood and how far it goes without limits,
There were no physical wounds but her emotional scars.
There were no visible enemies but her mental demons.
There was no armor but her shielded confidence.
There were no weapons but her poised demeanor.
There were no warhorses, but she was no less than a queen.
There were no medals awaiting but glory to be owned.
There was no history waiting to be written but her past to be overridden.

At the end of the day author makes us power of femine energy and no barriers for her stubbornness.

My summary:
he one of best influence in my life  is this Naari, my insecurities and fears had gone and ends up with knowing the real face of peoples mind set and makes me clear to be in ones own way  and thing happens with or without our presence. Make clear enjoy each and every momnet of our life because, no one gonna know when is our last goodbye. All reveals by knowing the reality with the fictional charcters. Coming to the book it has influenced me alot to purse what i want rather than a single option make me feel the limits of freedom and create a unique all over the personalities. This shrot stories make me live in fictional world but wakes me up to reality when it haunt and also this book helps in opening up free to all my self thoughts and fears. Letting go was emotionally challenging, but ones we realize the worth of freedom, we make all things happen in a right way.

Amidst all the choas in her life, She choose to show the world who she was, not the other way around.

Best Regards, 
Himaja Vendra
3rd year CSE.

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