Plenty but Purposeless results are Pathetic! Living in scarcity vs. Living in Abundance!! Read this perspectiveDear Friends and StudentA coupleuple of days back I received a LinkedIn message with the
The Hottest Software Job and Hottest Programming Language in the Market! The first-ever new Job created by AI!Dear Friends and StudentsRecently I saw a Job post and Companies are willing to pay
Leadership is Light, not Heat! Spectacular Picture of the Sky at 2 PM IST 20-12-2022! Let’s build a Healthy Space Competition as No Geography defined!Dear Friends and StudentsToday afternoon,
What is ECE?Dr.Sridhar: Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) which is one of the prominent branches of engineering. It deals with electronic circuits and communication systems. It helps
In the vast landscape of education, the foundation for true success is not solely built on textbooks and exams. Instead, it flourishes within the realm of human connection. My blog delves into the paramount
Probably India’s First, Edge Computing Device in Road Safety (K-Shield) is Ready for Industrial Production (K-Shield)! Proud Moment to the Institution, Founders, of course to me as a Mentor!!Dear
My Personal ExperienceWhile living in a cocoon in my native place, I never experienced the harsh reality of racism that has been persisting in India. When I came to Delhi a couple of months ago, I started
The institutes like IIT Bombay and IIT Kanpur along with 4 years B .Tech programs also offering 4 years Bachelor of Science (B.S) programs in subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
What is globalisation? Globalization means how trade and technology and changes in economy and cultures have made the world more fastened, interdependent, and secure.Impact of Globalisation
“Pair-of-glasses” is the Next Internet Revolution? Metaverse Combined with Design Thinking Rule the Social Experience in Next 10 Years? Are You Ready to Embrace? Read this Interesting Perspective!!Dear
What is Chemical Engineering?Prof: Chemical engineering is the field of applied science that employs physical, chemical, and biochemical rate processes for the betterment of humanity.What
Manaswini Nemani 1 y ago
Very informative. Keep goi . Best wishes 💐
Narayanaraju Kota 1 y ago
I love this blog
P. Deepika 1 y ago
I love this blog
Lakshmi Dhavala 1 y ago
Very Nice blog..👍👍
vaidehi mantha 1 y ago
Good one...keep going
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