


Introduction- Great readers make great writers,great writers make great communicators, great communicators make great persuaders and great persuaders make great society! And that's what this universe needs! In this practical world, where everyone are involved in the rat race to compete with each other and reach the pinnacle of sucess, taking little time for oneself and reading a book can bring peace and relief.Books hold the power to take homosapiens to a whole new world which has no place for worries. Isn't book reading a fun recreational activity that everyone should include in their timetable? Let's find out .Come buckle your seat belts for a amazing ride!!

There are two types of books, one is for knowledge enhancement and and the other is pleasure giving books. Informative books helps us to know the outer world which we are not aware of. How books being a part of human life contribute to his/her personal growth?? Does it really effect our mental health? Let's explore

Change in lifestyle-
By reading, one becomes a complete man. One develops a comprehensive personality. One acquires  knowledge and wisdom.Books widen our outlook on men and matters. By reading good books,we acquire noble habits.

Reading improves literacy-
Having a grip over vocabulary gives us confidence to communicate effectively and also to understand and learn different writing styles. 

Wider exposure-
By exploring different books one will get to take a complete tour of the authors brain and reading about different  topics we can actually find out what we are passionate about .


Does everyone enjoy reading??

You should read for yourself and not for others -

When you force yourself to read because of someone else's constant nagging or to impress someone, it doesn't mean you enjoy reading.Rather, you should understand why you’re really reading in the first place.

Understanding the context-

For example let us take a physics book until and unless one understand the concept it's impossible to slove the problem but if we have the concept on finger tips trust me it will be super fun to solve the logic-based problems.
Books have been a better companion to a me than real people out there.Many of them entertained me, a lot of them taught me and inspired me. In addition to all of those, it helped me see life in a more clearer way.
There are different genres of books, irrespective of genre, the most important is the story that attracts the readers towards it. Sometimes I lost track on time while reading stories because they are so absorbing.
As we dig into the past of many successful techies, all we can find is a tomb of books, youtube videos chosen a lot by youth nowadays does not give lasting knowledge while books do.


According to Bacon, some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. A good book should, therefore, be chewed and digested so that it has a lasting influence on our lives. It's a pity that non-reders can never get to know the joy of finding that one book out of millions of them in the library. All I wanted to say is make the best use of books and create the best version of yourself, learning is a never ending journey and a book will always undoubtedly accompany you in that. On a chilled evening go to a cafe, order a coffee, sit by the window and read a book enjoying the whether, it will be amazing, I guarantee.

Author details:
Hemanth Basina
Regd_No: 21KD1A0517
Department : CSE

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Hari Chandana    1 y ago

good work on the world of books and the joy they bring.

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  • Tarakeshh    1 y ago

    Great idea👏👏 💡 💡 good job ☠️

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  • Tarakeshh    1 y ago

    I love this blog

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  • Mohithkumar    1 y ago

    I love this blog

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  • Naveen    1 y ago

    I love this blog

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