
Prompt Engineering

The Hottest Software Job and Hottest Programming Language in the Market! The first-ever new Job created by AI!

Dear Friends and Students

Recently I saw a Job post and Companies are willing to pay $300000 per Year (2.5 Crore INR)! Job Post says,” Anthropic (Google's latest $300M AI investment) is hiring a "Prompt Engineer" for $250k-$335k/yr + equity, No CS degree required, just have "at least basic programming and QA skills"!

As you all know, AI is replacing many human jobs and creating new jobs! This is the first ever job created by AI!! It is called “Prompt Engineer” or “Prompt Writer”. The hottest programming language now is not Python anymore but “ENGLISH”! It doesn’t make sense, right? But it is the harsh reality!

Of late, I am unable to provide perfect advice to Job aspirants! The reason is Technology is appearing like a monster if you don’t plan and prepare well. The same Technology is a new-age job creator if you tame it well! Yes true.

What is Prompt Engineering? It is the process of crafting and optimizing text prompts for large language models to achieve desired outcomes. Prompt engineers are experts who write prose in English, rather than code to test AI chatbots. Their job is to identify the AI's errors and hidden capabilities so AI or AI developers can address/correct them. They need to build a library of high-quality prompt chains to accomplish a variety of tasks. 

Why it is so important? In order to answer any question, AI has to enumerate a chain of step-by-step logical deductions. Hence some roles have to teach AI bots. This teaching job to AI Bot is called as Prompt Engineer or Prompt Writer! 
You may surprise, but in the next 5 years, the following prompts can become the new normal. Now you can gauge how many traditional jobs are at stake and how many new jobs are going to come. 

Prompt Examples: Develop a new product from scratch, taking into account user needs, market demand, and technical feasibility, Improve an existing product, Develop a new process for manufacturing a product that is more efficient, cost-effective, or environmentally friendly, Develop a new software application, Analyze the technical and economic feasibility of a proposed project, Develop a new material with specific properties, such as strength, flexibility, conductivity, or durability, and Conduct a structural analysis of a building, bridge, or other structure to determine its strength, stability, and safety.

Friends, today my words look funny and exaggerated. When we started Enligence Technology Labs(www.enligence.com)- AI Powered Metaverse-based Total Job Interview Automation, 4 years back, people did not believe in us. Today that technology itself is on the verge of obsoletion after Chatgpt API opened up. Now we are relying on Prompt Engineering to manage the responses of Candidate and Chatgpt for validation. 

The Engineering Education landscape is changing drastically. If they don’t adopt these new changes, they have to face dire consequences in their career. Similarly, a college startup's future is going to be completely dependent on how well you use Generative AI and Automation Philosophy. 

Nowadays, my advice to college students is also totally changed and frankly advising our student startups with these new dimensions. Temporality students may get discouraged but long-term startup sustainability is more important. I don’t want to advise irresponsibly for the temporary name and fame. Startups must study this AI landscape thoroughly to survive in this new age.

Are you ready to apply for Prompt Engineer or Prompt Writer Job?

Ravi Saripalle
Note: Opinions expressed by authors are their own.
Pic credits: Pixabay

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