As educators, we often seek metaphors to better understand our roles and the impact we have on our students. One such analogy is comparing teaching to gardening—a living process that thrives
A Teachers PleaAs exam season approaches, I know how anxious and hopeful you are for your child to perform well. It’s natural to want them to succeed, to see their hard work pay off, and to believe
Walter Lewin a former professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) says “ Teachers who make Physics boring are criminals”. I agree with him. Physics
All of read articles or material as part of our curriculum.We agree with some ideas and may not agree with some ideas expressed by the author or writer.With the advent of social media, we are exposed to
What is Civil Engineering?A proper description of Civil Engineering would be: ‘The art of redirecting and using the resources of nature to create convenient structures to sustain the life of man,
Failure Conference!! Sounds Interesting!! You Heard Right!! Read This!Dear Friends,Occasionally, we hear about Success Meets! Whether it’s an organization or an individual, success is generally
The Story of a boy from GVP to Apple! Humble Beginning to Whopping Package! Studious to Super coder!! Read this Interesting Story of a GVPcian!Dear Students and FriendsAs I said before, I met a GVPCE
On 30 August 2018, I happened to read an article in The Economic Times. It reads as follows: Over 93,000 candidates including 3700 PhD's, 28000 post graduates, 50000 graduates applied for 62 posts
Hack the MAANG or Happy with WAIT Companies!! Dream vs Dignity?Dear Friends and StudentsSlowing Global Economic Growth is Increasingly Evident! I have been receiving multiple calls from the student
Those that are associated with teaching know that standard of education is on the decline.Who is responsible for the present state of affairs.Some say that the quality of students is on the decline.
SMART INDIA HACKATHONSmart India Hackathon is a National wide platform initiated to enhance and utilize the innovation and creativity of students which helps the nation.In this many organizations
What is computer science Engineering Computer Science Engineering (CSE) is an academic programme that integrates the field of Computer Engineering and Computer Science. It is one
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Sai Sahithi Vinnakota 1 y ago
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