
Review On My Favorite Movie

                       Review On My Favorite Movie
The Telugu language Indian action epic “RRR” (short for “Rise Roar Revolt”) has returned to US theaters for an exceptional one-night-only engagement on June 1st following its initial theatrical release. Some hindsight has made it easy to guess why writer/director S.S. Rajamouli has only now broken through to Western audiences with “RRR” despite his consistent box office success. Rajamouli’s latest is an anti-colonial fable and buddy drama about the imaginary combo of two real-life freedom fighters, Komuram Bheem (N.T. Rama Rao Jr.) and Alluri Sitarama Raju (Ram Charan). “RRR” is also a fine showcase for Rajamouli’s characteristic focus on maximalist action choreography, overwhelming stunt work and pyrotechnics, and sophisticated computer graphics. 
The path of Inspiration:
Raju’s introduction is so awesome. The choreography of his giant brawl with hundreds of people is entertainingly shot and displays just how incredible of a fight he is. The entire scene illustrates just how determined he is to please the British Raj.
And while we might be confused about why he’s battling his own people at first, it is eventually revealed that he’s working undercover in order to supply his home village with weapons. Which makes the following image very important in retrospect.
That relationship makes the following shot all the more powerful. It comes towards the end of the movie when Raju’s cover is blown and he’s been captured by the Indian Imperial Force. Raju lies on the ground, ostensibly defeated and his mission failed. And then we get this shot of him holding the pendant.
In that moment where Bheem promises to bring Raju back to his wife, what he’s really promising is to bring that story of the gods to life. This is a demarcation point in his life: the Ramayana is no longer just a story, but a creed by which to live your life. Bheem is going to will Raju and Seetha’s reunion into existence.


Conclusion:The RRR ending leaves the door open for further adventures with Raju and Bheem, and given the success of the first movie, it's not surprising the director is already talking about RRR 2. While S.S. Rajamouli didn't offer any details on what the story might be about, he did confirm that he would love to do a follow-up. Rajamouli confirmed that, as with the first movie, his father V. Vijayendra Prasad is working on the story. Given how wildly the first movie converged from historical fact, there are really endless possibilities for where the sequel could go.
       With Kindest Regards
                Ch. Aditya
                3RD CSE

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Mozilla    1 y ago

I like this blog

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  • ganesh chalapaka    1 y ago

    I dont know who you are but its very bad to copy my blog and post it as yours!

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  • Dinesh LE 208    1 y ago

    I love this blog

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  • Dinesh DK    1 y ago

    I love this bro

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  • Rukmini    1 y ago

    The way u have written the blog was Awesome

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