The Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) are the most prestigious and top engineering institutes in India. For most of the students in India, the dream is to get into IITs. Most of
Are You Working towards a “Career Path” or Building a “Career Portfolio”? Time to invest in Latter! Say Bye to “Career Path”!! Read this Interesting Perspective!!Dear
JEE Mains is the most important exam for an engineering aspirant. It forms the gateway into the top IIT’S and NIT’S. Chemistry is the most scoring subject between the 3 sections
While the world is grappling with AI, Scientists are Working on OI ! Will AI becomes Obsolete soon?Dear FriendsIn 2018, when we started (AI-Powered Metaverse Based Interview Automation
How this Famous Real Birds Love Story Triggered an Urgent Plea to Protect Migratory Birds: A Call for Legal ReformDear Friends and StudentsI am sure you might have read this incident occurred in
As educators, we often seek metaphors to better understand our roles and the impact we have on our students. One such analogy is comparing teaching to gardening—a living process that thrives
The Human Puzzle: Decoding Challenges, Embracing Compromises, and Weaving Cosmic Threads into Another New Year!Dear Friends, As souls, we once lived happily in the abode of the Lord! However,
Probably India’s First, Edge Computing Device in Road Safety (K-Shield) is Ready for Industrial Production (K-Shield)! Proud Moment to the Institution, Founders, of course to me as a Mentor!!Dear
What is EEE? Is an academic program that deals with Electrical and Electronics Engineering. It was one of the most sought-after courses amongst engineering students. Presently it is
Hard to Accept this Definition but Soft to Reject? Soul Pleasure and Pressure Vs Societal Pleasure and Pressure? Read this perspective!Dear Friends and StudentsGustavo Petro, the Mayor of Bogota,
The You of Yesterday Won’t Be the You of Tomorrow—How Does Your Situation Reflect That?Dear Friends,Samsung's remarkable journey began in 1938 as a grocery trading business in Daegu,
A Teachers PleaAs exam season approaches, I know how anxious and hopeful you are for your child to perform well. It’s natural to want them to succeed, to see their hard work pay off, and to believe
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