
Drawbacks of India's Education system and suggestions to develop the system


Schooling is one of the beautiful in one’s life, because schooling teaches the individual to think in such way that they are able to solve their daily problems. The influence of the teachers on the kids has very large impact for longer time. Everyone must be thankful to their school teachers because they made the student to receive the things properly. schooling changes the individual to a good citizen.
           My opinion is, in schooling teachers must tell the responsibility of the individual and purpose of what they are learning. Without knowing the purpose of learning, our mind won’t accept the things faster. Schooling has major impacts on the individual, because whatever the teacher preaches, he/she thinks that that is the correct thing. Of course, that is right.  My intention is, those kids blindly follow their teacher. That’s how the kids are believing the teachers. But in some schools the management itself says to promote the student to the next grade even though he/she was failed in previous grade. If the student asks anything which is out of the box some teachers tell “you will learn in higher classes.”


o   in school mostly teachers won’t teach students that how to manage their time.
o   in some school’s management won’t allow the student who want to raise their voice to ask few things that must be included in the school. Even he/she raises the management won’t respond to their request.
o   Some schools are spoiling the students because while exams are going on the teacher comes and gives some hints. That’s not the mistake of the teacher because no teacher wants to do like that. management of the school forces the teachers to do like that. In order to protect their skin in front of the parents of the child, management is doing this kind of things.


During schooling, parents should not scold their children if they get less marks, because of this some students are copying in the exam. instead of scolding him/her parent should encourage the student to do better in next time.
 My request to parents is to provide the student with neat, clean and peaceful workplace.
why I made this request? Ans: To reduce distractions.


In India if there is free education and free medication for people then there is no need of all the schemes which are kept by any government. Good wealth is health and education. If these two were made free then people will choose what they want and they won’t depend on any kind of government


Some things of higher level are taught in school but in order to understand those things student need some maturity. In school age, I am sure most of the students don’t have that much of maturity. when they go to higher classes there the things will come which they have already learnt in school, but they can’t recollect them because lack of clarity on the concept which they have learnt in school.


When it comes to practical knowledge of the individual in +1 and +2, practical are not held properly in some colleges, when the higher officer comes to check the practical knowledge of the student college management pays money for that officer to give full marks for their students. This is really a wrong process that is really going on.


parents should encourage their children to do experiments, participate in different aspects, because if he/she experience the things in real then they will understand the things better way.
The reason why i stressed on this situation is, when I am in school, I used to do physics experiments by watching in YouTube and i used to spend lot of time, by seeing that my father thought that I will stop my studies and one day he took a bag and filled all my experiment equipment and throwed in a drainage


According to my opinion….
1.Library with self-help books.
2.Time management.

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Sree Pratheek    1 y ago

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  • Chalasani Dhanush Sai    1 y ago

    Beautifully written

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  • Shashank Reddy    1 y ago

    I Love This Blog 😁

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    I love this blog 😀

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