
Law Entrance Exams

Nowadays the students choosing LAW as a career has increased a lot. In order to get an admission they need to write a lot of admission tests . To help such students , a list of popular Law entrance exams is provided as below along with thier official website.  We request the students to visit the official website to know more about the pattern of the exam.

Name of the  Entrance Exam

Official website

                             National Level Law Entrance exams

To enter into all NLUs and other reputed LAW colleges

CLAT (Common Law Admission Test).


 To enter into NLU, Delhi, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, New Law College, Pune, The Northcap University, Gurgaon, IFIM law college, Bangalore

AILET (All India Law Entrance Test)-Delhi


 To enter into O P Jindal Global University-Haryana, Bennett University- Greater Noida, Jagran Lake city University- Bhopal etc

LSAT India (Law School Admission Test - India).


Ffor Symbiosis Law Schools, Pune, Noida, Hyderabad, Nagpur

SLAT (Symbiosis Law Admission Test)


                                    State level Entrance Exams

AP LAWCET (Andhra Pradesh Law Common Entrance Test)


TS LAWCET (Telangana State Law Common Entrance Test)


IPU-CET (Indraprastha University Common Entrance Test)-Delhi


Jamia-LET (Jamia Law Entrance Test)-Aligarh


LET (Lloyd Entrance Test)-Noida


ULSAT (University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Law Studies Aptitude Test)-Dehradun


BLAT (Banaras Hindu University Law Admission Test)-Varanasi


CULEE (Christ University Law Entrance Exam)-Bengaluru


 AMU(Aligarh Muslim University) Law Entrance Exam-Aligarh, UP


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