
Importance of extracurricular activities


                  Boring… boring very boring. Spending time in front of books or doing work makes everyone feel bored. This may also cause mental strain, leading to further complications. Many of us follow a routine like waking up early in the morning, scrubbing our pearly whites, hopping in the shower, completing the daily chores, going to the office hurriedly, working the whole day with tensions again coming back home in the evening either seeing tv or eating dinner and sleeping. This is followed by us the whole week, if it is Sunday eating and sleeping. To come out of this routine stress we need to do some extracurricular activities in our day-to-day life. So in this blog, we will see the importance of these activities and their uses. Let us go into it…

#Firstly let us see what is meant by extracurricular activities and their importance point-wise:
 Extracurricular activities are the activities that are not included in our work, these are simply the activities that are done outside the school or the workplace. These activities give us a feeling of relief and peace, which keeps our bodies away from diseases.

#Uses of  extracurricular activities for students:

– Improving academic performance: 

                                  These activities are the ones that help us improve our concentration levels and our grasping power. If these things improve automatically our interest in studies will increase and with this, our academic performance will also increase. Always studying may cause a mental illness in the child to avoid that we need these activities. Irrespective of the class every child needs to play any of the games of their choice for a minimum of one hour so that their brain feels fresh. Parents also should not force children to always read. Let them play but only in a limited way. There is a necessity to add these activities in school.
a famous quote related to this is "Student academic performance is directly related to student participation in extracurricular activities" said by Douglas Reeves.

--Explore Interests and Create Broader Perspectives:

                                    Based on the activities the children do we can know their interests, not only us but even they will know about in which they are perfect and which they are not. This will make it easy for us to know our interests and choose their career path easily. These activities improve our creativity skills and we can think more innovatively than before. When we listen to the lesson we get a feeling of anxiety which makes us know more about a topic and raise as many doubts as possible on that topic. Which improves our knowledge even more.
 Even the great scientist Albert Einstein says “Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought”. This can be done by extracurricular activities.

–Higher esteem:
                            These extracurricular activities include playing outside games such as playing shuttle, kabaddi, cricket, swimming and many more. When we play these games we may lose or we may win. If we win we will be very happy and a type of confidence will be built in us that ok, we can play this game well and when we lose we will think about why we lost it and improve a habit of learning from mistakes. This type of good thinking will be increased in us and a feeling of self-confidence will increase in us so that no one can ever discourage us. This is also caused by extracurricular activities.



Still, there are many uses, the list is too long, the above-mentioned are the top three uses of extracurricular activities for children.

Now let us see the main use  of extracurricular activities for elders:

—Better mental health and development of networking skills:

                                            Nowadays getting opportunities has become very difficult, the world is competing for every small opportunity. To get an opportunity we need to have some network and influence in society.  Many of us may not have that due to poor speaking skills, and many of us cannot be friendly with everyone. If we do some extracurricular activities that give us relief and remove the fear of speaking to strangers so that we can freely speak to anyone and make them our friends. As these networking skills improve in us we don't need to search for opportunities, they will come for us. 

                                     Getting a job is not only necessary, balancing both our health and job is also necessary, concentrating only on the job 24 hours and thinking about it may cause a huge stress on our brain and damage our brain which leads to further complications in our body so to avoid this keeping our work aside we need to spend some time for our body else we may even become fat and our brain may lose its intelligence and power of thinking. This can be recruited by doing extracurricular activities. Working people can spend at least half an hour doing yoga and on sunday playing outside games instead of sitting near the TV. This makes you refresh and work energetically the entire day.


                   It is important for every person to take care of their mind and body to be healthy. Doing a 24-hour work and study is not at all healthy. Every person must do any type of extracurricular activity to keep their body healthy and away from diseases. Even including these extracurricular activities in schools and motivating and making every one aware of this is very necessary.


Written by:
G. Jahnavi,
D/o G.Naveen Kumar,
Ph.no: 8142272222,
Class 10th ,
Suresh school, 




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