
No excuses, Let's vote!

I have been in a dilemma for around one and a half months since the election schedules were announced, whether to go and vote, which is a big thing(for me), considering my exam is approaching(regardless of whether I'm exam ready or not as it's my first attempt). I last visited my home a year ago (I even skipped my dearest cousin's wedding on 26th April 2024 to make sure I stayed on track just before my first prelims exam). 

But, though was persuaded by some well-wishers not to go to A.P. to vote, which would impact my mindset just before the exams(I was convinced then), yet conscience kept pricking me, as it would be very hypocritical for a UPSC CSE aspirant/ any person who wants to get into public services to not put it into action by not following what we say, that to voting is the sole strongest medium to uphold the democracy. It's the medium through which every legislator(thus the political executive) could be held accountable for their past actions and allow young leaders to lead the nation as our representatives.

Though ours is an FPTP system(First Past The Post- who gets more vote share compared to others will be victorious in a constituency irrespective of whether she/he gets more than 50 per cent as in Proportional Representation system) due to the consensus reached by our constitution makers as it was felt this would be best for a new Independent India with many challenges and familiarity with the FPTP system in British India, still our vote matters(not as much as in the case of PR system where every vote matters). If not convinced, please go through a small post of mine about NOTA, this way at least we may show, if at all, our unhappiness about the candidates fielded.

Pity that the voter turnout is still in a miserable state. Urban Apathy is sadly one of the reasons for it. It is the educated people who should be politically aware and should participate in public policy making, if not at least to vote for their representatives; still it is the rural population who are relatively active in choosing their representatives. This sets a very bad precedent for our future generations.(What do you think are the other reasons for a low voter turnout?)   

All this is not to change the minds of the people or force them, as it is against one’s fundamental right to make them go and vote, but still it is our responsibility to go and vote. I couldn’t have spoken about elections(as it would be hypocritical) had I decided not to exercise my constitutional right, also the guilt would remain for my lifetime. Irrespective of whether I get into the services or not, we ought to perform our fundamental duties for the development of our nation. 


As Dr B. R. Ambedkar rightly said, DPSP(Directive Principles of State Policy) would be the best manifesto a Political Party can have, likewise I wish to add that if we all follow the Fundamental Duties as enshrined in the constitution, India would soon overcome many of the challenges, and we can unleash the potential of our main asset- Demographic Dividend.

Hence, let’s not make any excuses, vote and decide the Nation’s future!

PS: For better understanding, for the sake of aiding to become an informed voter, I added some links to the ‘difficult’ terminologies, few pictures to attest my claims, and a document link. Kindly comment your doubts, correct me if any mistake is unknowingly mentioned, go through the document and put whatever you know regarding elections(important aspects), to clear the doubts, and to cast the vote with much better knowledge. 

Note: Opinions expressed are personal
Pic credit: ECI

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Krishna Priya Rudravajhala    10 m ago

Very well written! 👏👌

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  • Aparna Kancharla    10 m ago

    You came down all the way from Delhi for excising your vote. A role model for others👍🏻

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  • Mani gunnam    10 m ago

    Very good . Congratulations

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    Excellent work Karthikeya Regards Ratna Kumari

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  • Hari Narayana    10 m ago

    Yes karthikeya what you have said is right , even iam going to cast my vote as it's our fundamental duty in a democracy.

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