MAHARSHI - The journey of Rishi, is not just the story of the story of Rishi, it's a celebration of Love and Friendship.
Maharshi which was a great epic filim directed by one of the top most directores that is"VAMSI PAIDIPALLY" starring with a handsome hero "MAHESH BABU" as "RISHI" and gorgeous heroine "POOJA HEDGE" as "POOJA".One more main leading charcter in this movie was "ALLARI NARESH" as "RAVI" who played one of the major role in the movie and enacted as a friend of a rishi. "JAYA SUDHA" and "PRAKASH RAJ" were enacted as mother and father of Rishi. Music for this movie was presented by "DEVI SRI PRASAD" and cimatography by "K.U.MOHANAN".
Rishi(Mahesh babu) is the reputed CEO of the origin company in US.To become a best business person in the world ,Rishi forgets about his past and relationships with his friend ravi (Allari naresh) and his love pooja(Pooja hedge). As he is a busy person in US, his friends with the help of Rishi PA they arranged a secret get together party.In that party he come to know that his friend Ravi is behind all his success ,due to his friend's sacrifice he is leading his dreamful life.After knowing that he realizes and gets very emotional and he remembers all his past with his friend.Then he Strongly decided to meet his friend Ravi and take with him to US .
After visiting his friend ravi, he comes to know that Ravi is in deep trouble in the viallage of Ramapuram.He decided to live in that village and to clear all the problems of ravi.As per his words he cleared all the problems of ravi by giving his supportable hands and he rebuilded the bonding of ravi with ravi's uncle by telling the truth about his scracifice that he had done for rishi and he also sort out with pooja(Pooja hedge) and regains his love back.He implements many farming techniques for the growth of village. Finally with an emtional attachment the movie ends.
One of the biggest attraction of the movie is undoubtedly MAHESH BABU who performed very well by living in three avataras as a CEO, as a college student,and also as a farmer. In this movie every charcter nailed at their given space. PRAKASH RAJ garu and JAYA SUDHA garu had given evergreen performances as the mother and father of rshi.The glamarous actor pooja hedge had played a fabilous performances and she gave her best in every scene which was encountered between rishi and pooja and she also acted very well as a friend of ravi.coming to ALLARI NARESH, he proved himself that he is not just a comedian but a great actor. Reamaining charcters were also performed beautifully at their respective roles.
Some of the heighlights scenes are: Rishi always thinks that his father is not a successful man and he took his father as a inspiration that how he should not be. but, when he gets a letter from his father before his 1st demo in the company then he realizes about his father and the words which were wriiten in the letter were very emotional and i litteraly ot cried at that scene. I involved very deeply and i replaced myself in the place of rishi.
Another highlighted scene is that ravi understands his friend rishi very heartfully and scracifices his life for the success life of rishi.He proves that he is the true friend of rishi.The scene which was shwn before the interval was a peak level scene that when rishi realizes that ravi is behind his success.At tet scene i litterally can't control my tears.
so these are some of the intersting highlighted scenes that i had observed in the movie.
DSP's music was ordinary but his songs sound good along with visuals.Background music raises the flim to another level.Lyrics were written by SRMANI garu which was very meaningful and heart touching.Camera work is very fantastic and shooted every element as the college backdrop,US set up and village atmosphere.Editing of the scenes were also done impressively.RAJU SUNDARAM SIR had done a great job with his choreography.
Coming to the director VAMSI PADIPALLY ,he has done a good job with the film.He chooses an emotional subject and he shows that roots are more important than fame and money.His narration in the first half about the journey of rishi is very good and the second half was very emotional and heart touching and ends with an impressive note.
In overall ,for this movie 4.5 rating can be given out of 5 rating. as all the scenes were narrated understandigly to every person.every charcter lived in their own charcter and performed very well.There are many emotional scenes which makes us to involve in those scenes.It is not just one time watch movie and not a time pass movie.I is great journey of rishi.
Awards that were achieved for this movie were: GOLDEN LOTUS AWARD for best popular film providing wholesome entertairment.SILVER LOTUS AWARD for best choregraphy.The filim also won 5 SIIMA awards and 2 ZEE CINE awards.
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