
Is it true that women are better managers than men?

Is it true that women are better managers than men?
Is it true that women are better managers than men?

Multiple studies have shown that women leaders prove to be better at engaging their teams as compared to male managers. The primary reason for a better engagement ratio as compared to men is their powerful observation skills. They know what motivates their team and what's required to keep them engaged.
Whether it’s about running a household or business, management skills come naturally to women. It’s in their nature to shoulder an entire burden of responsibilities and handle everything producing perfect results. Their inherent qualities like abundant patience, exceptional communication skills and the habit of giving everyone an equal say in every crucial matter make them way different from men.
Few reasons that women can manage better than men:
1.They are better listeners:
Since managers have to deal with a team of people with different points of view and thinking, they need to have exceptional listening skills. Women are better listeners, and that helps them rightly assess every situation and build a good image in front of the team.
2.They’ve abundant reserves of patience:
As a manager, you need to be extremely patient while dealing with the tantrums of the entire team. While men are not that great at doing a good job here, women usually tend to excel at having higher patience levels. 
3.They’re more empathetic:
Empathy is an essential quality every manager must possess. Women tend to understand their teammates’ issues better and offer full empathy in the case of an unfortunate incident or any other emergency of a similar kind.
4.They’re great communicators:
Thanks to their highly efficient communication skills, they prove to be better at managing people. Instead of taking an impulsive decision, they indulge in intelligent conversations with their team and find the perfect solution. This also makes them great problem-solvers.
5.They’re way more organized:
With their highly efficient organizational skills, women hardly miss deadlines and are hence more likely to take a business to new heights. Instead of randomly burdening their team with lots of work, they plan it all out. They ensure that their team starts working way before the deadline so that they don’t miss any crucial deadlines and don’t stress out either.
Women are more patient and composed while making decisions. It’s because of the way women are raised.In general, women manage their work at home as well as at the office. Hence they are good at multitasking.Women are more flexible and can adapt to any situation or adversity. It’s because they are taught from childhood to adjust to situations.
They are good time managers. As most women today manage work and home, they can prioritize their time well.Due to the way they are raised in general, women are better listeners and give importance to minute details too at work.In general, they’ve coherent minds, are punctual and are dedicated to their work. These inbuilt qualities do make them better managers than men.
This is my blog.
Adireddy V A Pranay Kumar.
Mechanical 3-A

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