Technology is increasing day by day in that technology social media is also one of the main aspect .On increasingly digital world ,social media systems have become deeply embedded in many day-to-day relationships. A grandmother sees pictures of all her grandchildren’s activities and accomplishments, even though the family is dispersed all over the world. This social media can effect the relationships in both the positive and negative .peoples can use the social media to connect with long distance peoples like friends, family members and relatives. Social media usage can leads to less quality in time spending with peoples and loved ones and relationships and emotions. In social media there is communication, internet, cellphones....this social media is very helpful to everyone in present days .
There are many advantages...we can join the meets through zoom, google meet from other locations also. we can use for our study purpose like listening classes through youtube and also we can prepare for compitative exams In social media we can communicate with other persons easily we can connect the peoples through whatsapp, twitter ,linkedin , instagram and facebook...we can connect the peoples by these resources and someother. social media completly works on internet. social media connected with everything.Usage of social media is increasing in our society. By depending on usage of social media our technology became smart.. like smart homes ,sensors and some other IOT devices.
Now a days every person is using smart devices like smart phones, smart watches and other safety smart devices.For example let us take a smart phones all the social media apps are present that device if we want give money to some other person we can pay easily through phone pay, google pay and paytm without live communication we can give the money but now a days peoples are edict to mobile phones compeletly the are not interacting with peoples they are using smart phones continuously even the work is unnecessary so over usage of social media killing the relationships and over usage of social media changing into toxic day by day...But in social media both advantages and disadavantages or positive and negative aspects are there..
The positive aspects are by using social media we can beneficial to relationships. especially we
can can connect long distance peoples. It promots the desire to stay in touch with old friends and
also we can know someone before actually me meet them in live.
1.we can share our memories on social media.
2.Social media fosters long distance connections.
3.Social media encourages the communication.
4.Through social media we can learn new things.
5.We can upskill ourself.
6.We can learn everything individually in short period of time.
7.We can crack\apply for jobs through online.
8.It decreases our time of learning.
9.We can project our skills in social medial like teaching...
10.Social media is a good platform to prove what you are and what you can.
11.We can create healthier social media habits like Listen, Build, Create, Prioritize your real life relationships.
Now a days most peoples are not using social media .social media is using the peoples. social
media killing the relatonships .Most of the time they are spending on social media as compare to
their family members. overly spending on social media ultimately ,this could have detrimental
effect on our relationships .we will look at how spending too much of time on social platforms
could stop us from forming strong bonds.
1. Spending less time for loved ones.
2.Social media can encourage obsessive behaviour.
3.Posting on social media could cause misunderstandings.
4.The way of using social media could cross boundaries.
5.Peoples are using social media for more entertainment and wasting their time on that and there is nothing beneficial to them.
6.It leads to less physical activity and poor sleep patterns.
8.It decreases productivity at home.
9.The peoples are distracting and edicting.
10.Social media killing our relationships and change as toxic in peoples.
Social media can have both positive and negative effects. It is important for people to manage
social media usage ,as too much time spent on social media can negatively impact numerous aspects of life.