
Why Universities Should Prioritize Teacher-Mentors

Why Universities Should Prioritize Teacher-Mentors Over Traditional Teachers in Today's World?

Dear Friends and Students,

Recently, I received a question from an educator: Should institutions hire traditional teachers or teacher-mentors, especially considering technological advancements and the prevailing culture among the youth? The question may seem simple, but the answer requires deep thought. Traditional teachers are primarily responsible for imparting knowledge within a structured academic setting. However, Teacher-Mentors go beyond academic instruction; they provide guidance, support, and personal development, aiming for the overall growth and well-being of the mentee.

Yet, this leads to another intriguing question raised by the educator: Can Teacher-Mentors effectively serve a 1:20 ratio of mentors in a classroom setting today? This is a valid concern, and I couldn't provide an immediate answer. However, during a subsequent discussion with a family friend, a promising solution emerged.

Consider the analogy of Lord Krishna's guidance to Arjuna in the context of the Mahabharata. Out of 106 cousins (100 Kauravas, 5 Pandavas, 1 Karna), Lord Krishna chose Arjuna. This decision wasn't a reflection of others' qualifications but rather the result of multiple parameters set within this mentoring context. There was a profound spiritual connection between them, and Arjuna displayed unwavering faith and trust in Krishna's guidance. He readily accepted Krishna's teachings and advice, making him an ideal recipient for Krishna's divine knowledge and plans—an embodiment of wisdom and action.

Similarly, another story serves as an analogy for the Teacher-Mentor role. A group of children is playing near two railway tracks—one in use and the other non-operational. Most are playing on the operational track, while only one child plays on the non-operational track. Faced with a dilemma, the signal master must decide whether to change the train's course to the non-operational track, sacrificing the lone child, or let the train go on its way. The lone child made the right decision to play in a safe place, while the others, though aware of the danger, chose to play on the operational track. The signal master, after thoughtful consideration, decided to let the train go on its original track, thus protecting the genuine boy.

Universities should realize that with the advent of AI (or ANI - Artificial Narrow Intelligence) in its current form, it is capable of performing specific tasks. Scientists are gradually directing their efforts towards AGI (Artificial General Intelligence - similar to the capability of a human being) and ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence - beyond the capability of a human being).

In this scenario, students have numerous teaching resources at their disposal. Professors need not prepare all of them; they can leverage the assistance of AGI/ASI for any research needs at the university. As AI progresses, industry is likely to conduct more research than universities, given the resource-intensive nature of AI. Nevertheless, universities will always be a helping hand to the industry.

In this context, a knowledgeable teacher or an extraordinary researcher may not be the sole solution for university students. Could the role of a Teacher-Mentor be a great savior? This role entails a commitment to lifelong learning, inspiring students to embrace continuous self-improvement and adapt to a rapidly changing world.

Do you agree?

Ravi Saripalle

Note: Views expressed by the blogger are personal
Pic Credits: Pixabay

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