A Sudden Gloomy Environment-Recession, Layoffs, and Fear of Technology Replacing Jobs-How Birds Survive and Teach us during Heavy Storms?Dear FriendsOn Sep 23, 2021, I wrote a story on my blog-
EcoQuake: Sparks in the Silent Street!! a Sci-Fi movie idea to Christopher Nolan!!Dear Friends and StudentsWe all think Electric Vehicles are Green! Over 26 million electric cars were on the road
Abstract—This research suggests that quantum computing brings together ideas from classical information theory, computer science, and quantum physics. This modern way of computing is based on the
Recently, I read a book "Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager" by Suzette Blakemore, Kory Kogon, James Wood. It stresses on the mastery of four foundational behaviours to be
A glance at Indian history reveals that India was not only a knowledge society but also an industrial society. Our intellectuals and researchers were called rishis. India was a rich and prosperous country,
Sri Aurobindo, when asked why he was writing poetry in English and not in Bengali, his mother tongue, replied that English has certain features which suit the nuances of feeling and thought and
Great things can be achieved only by the people who dare to dream and even sacrifice life in the process. They change the world to a Volatile form and because of this world survives better than in its
What is an EV?Electrical vehicle is a vehicle where one or more electrical motors are used for propulsion. These motors will be powered by batteries (for electric cars, two wheelers, etc.) or collector
There is no single "best" MBA program for placement, as different programs can offer strong placement outcomes for different industries and career paths. However, each stream of MBA studies can
What is Chemical Engineering?Prof: Chemical engineering is the field of applied science that employs physical, chemical, and biochemical rate processes for the betterment of humanity.What
The question "Is master's degree worth it?" is legitimate and justified given that technology makes higher education more accessible and that there are many different fields of study.
Generally many students who are unable to enter into IITs for under graduation, prepare for GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) exam to do Masters Degree in Technology after their B. Tech course.