
IS Social Media Really effecting our relationships

Do Social media really effecting out relationships???
SO basically people say that teenagers have zero problems, they don’t have to deal with any type of stress, they are most free creatures on the earth. But the truth is they have the major problems any the main one among them is social media.
Today I will start this blog with two stories since our mind is only designed to remember stories only. So please I request you to bring back that small child inside you and enjoy the story.
Here is a girl whose name is Indhu. she is the only daughter of her parents and her being a good girl is good at studies good at sports and introverted in nature. she has no fear while giving presentations and all. but the only problem is she is terribly bad at talking to men ,she feels nervous and insecure while talking to men.she had a dream to build a startup all she need is a good team who has same passion of starting a business as her ,so she started to search for a team .she asked her friends and cousins and all the connections she has but no one showed intrest .so she started searching for a team in social media.in the process she download an app which is basically an online friendship app ,she started chatting and knowing about different kind of people who has similar interst as her,one day she got a friend request from that app which belongs to a name arjun.she accepted the request since she liked his bio”.escape the matrix”,they started getting to know eachother.days passed they both found that they are most similar to eachother the only thing that differs them is the age he is 23 and she is 20. three months passed and she got to know that he started a company which runs by digital marketing as its main moto.she also started learning about the startup.after five months he got a new project and got busy with it.here she got habituated to talking with him and getting to know new things.she called no response she messages and got left onseen.another month passed and she went to home and comimg back hostel the time is morning 4:30 her bus just left her at the complex of vizag she got down and just then a person behind her asked her “are you from vizag ?” she said NO and started walking inside the bus station ,he followed her and took her bag and started running she followed him he reached parking area of the bus stand being early in the morning there was darkness everywhere suddenly a white car stopped by her she got scared and started running the unknown person caught her hand and tried to push her inside the car ,she uses all her strength and push him aside and stsrted running toewards the bus station,there are people around she felt a bit relive she sat there ,her heart started pounding she got restless she ned someone to protect and comfort her.she searched her contacts and called him .ARJUN her comfort her LOVE ,yes she realised that it was not just a mere attraction but love for him.she wanted to tell him at that moment but to her bad luck he didn’t answer the call.she tried two more time but no use.she gave up and gather herself and got to hostel a weak passed she waited for him to call back but he didn’t and replied to her message that he got really bust in the new project meanwhile her semester exams comes she started focussing on study and desided to deal with it after the exams in the middle of the exams she got five days holidays she started to miss him terribly,she told her friends about him one of her friend suggested her to tell him her feelings but our heroine being an introvert didn’t dared to.her friend blackmailed her to call amith with her number and see if he responds to her or not her friend asked indus permission before calling him. She wanted to tell no but she have to rights to do so .at last her friend called him as a stranger and he answered the call.But to her surprise he talked just normally their conversation continuous for a half and hour still they are talking while smilimg.she got hurt terribly like he just used her for temporary timepass and here she is imagining her whole life with him.she decided to not to,call him and see if he cares.three months passed and his birthday comes and she send a message wishing him.he responded within a second. after three days she desided to tell her feelings and end it.she clled him and he answered she asked
This contains an image of: 20 Powerful 'I Love You' Quotes That Get Straight To The HeartThis may contain: two people sitting at a table in front of a window with vinyl records on it  This may contain: two people standing next to each other in front of a star filled sky
about the project and his well being he responded normally.their phone call lasts two hours at last she told him about her feelings agd guess what he said NO.and he give explanation that she was still a child to understand feelings and its just an attraction and nothing else.he clarified about his feelings and being got rejected by her first love she got depressed.
OK OK enpugh being sad here is another story…
A girl and boy named Harika and Venkat whose age is just 8 years old they both are studying in same school, they both become best friends in their school they used to play games together they used to eat and share thei food a year passed by Harika got moved to a town which is 30 kms far from the village .her parents moved there too.so the both best friends become separated.they have zero contact years passed the third class students become graduating students. Still they searched for eachother in all the social media platforms but no use .the girl even searched for him in amazon too..funny right .even it hought the same.but the boy is not like that he used to draw her pictures keeping her childhood picture.he used to draw her picture of age 12,15,18 etc..while imaging her.he used to write songs about her and all.at last he found her insta account while searching for her .but he got a doubt that is it really her or not because he got fooled by his friends who create her fake social media profiles to tease him ,but he still send request to her ready to get fooled by his friends anain but to his surprise IT WAS HER!!! The girl he has been searching for years, HE FOUND HER!!atlast his stubbornness won the game he found her and surprised by knowing that she has been doing the same..love won..
So the conclusion here is its not about the socialmedia we loose our gain our relations,it is about the priorities the priority which we are giving to social media otherthan our friends and family members .we the humens invented the social medea why cant we learn who to use it wisely….In the first story she got her love through the social media but its not the same for the other person we shouldn’t blame social media for our personal problems…
                                            THANK YOU FOR READING

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